Sunday, December 20, 2009

* Art in the Philippines *

Art in the Philippines - paintings by Cesar F. Balagot - soon to be shown in the gallery "Art and paintings in the Philippines" here on the Cyberspace Ashram

Art in the Philippines - paintings by Cesar F. Balagot - soon to be show
in the gallery "Art and paintings in the Philippines" here on the
Cyberspace Ashram

these past hours i am preparing a online gallery for a local artist who
offers his paintings since years along the Bauang beach usually in front
of the various top resorts here - like Bali Hai Beach Resort, Bauang.

The artist / painter is
Cesar F. Balagot
and his has own style you may like or have different taste.

here below 3 examples of his typical work

some 24 paintings may be shown in the online gallery soon - hopefully
later tonight in my Philippines section - "Places I love ... in the

all his paintings are available for sale and any commercial or private
use of any of the pictures is possible for a truly honest donation
directly to him
his paintings in digital form may be suitable for postcards or calendars
as well as art books. the original of the pictures taken is about 2500
px wide
hence also suitable for wallpapers if you love so.

bliss and love


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